ARE YOU AS FIRED UP ABOUT 2024 AS ME? Five days in and I'm still holding strong on all 520 of my New Year's Resolutions. I got more than a good feeling about this...
... I got one word.
This year's word for the RaceDay Rippers: S-T-R-E-T-C-H.
Yeah, it's good to stretch.
Be limber.
That's part of it,
but there's so much more...
... when we stretch regularly.
In everything.
And, here's what I'm talking about...
... forget the resolutions.
They seem static.
What can we stretch...
- athletically
- mentally
- spiritually
- socially
- financially
... because if we ain't stretching,
it's hellalikely things are gonna tighten up.
Take another look at your calendar.
What can you do by the end of this year...
... that is such a stretch,
it would blow your mind?
I know what I'm going for,
can't wait to share it here.
7 hrs
1 Rip On RaceDay Circuits
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling