I WAVE A LOT. To the cars who approach from behind, the side and ahead. The walkers. The joggers. And, of course...
... the riders.
Most, not all, wave back. And, why not? We are outside, away from the glass we spend so much time in front of...
... enjoying this beautiful planet.
This is where I find true connection to the great spirit. I see it everywhere, feel it's embrace. Maybe I'm conditioned...
... but, I don't care.
The other day I waved to a young man walking towards me, pack on his back. I mistook his quick pace for being in a hurry...
... he was full of anger.
His words, curt and salty.
I carried on.
Should I have stopped? Asked if I could help? How could he not see the surrounding beauty on that glorious sunny morning?
It's hard to know.
My friend TD, rides with a bagel most days.
It's not for him.
He's on the lookout for a hungry soul. I've seen him find more than one. It's a beautiful thing.
Many are hungry,
some for a bagel,
some a wave,
others a hug.
Enjoy your ride today.
Along the way you make someone's day a little easier.
Kinda like this absolutely amazing lube from Ceramic Speed.
You could read all the sciency stuff, or just trust me when I say it's long-lasting, quiet, and extremely friction-free.
Save 20% with promo code: WAVE
8 hrs
0 Pull Ups 0 PushUps
HyperVolt & Stretch
120 minutes reading + Journaling