I HIRED A COACH. It's been about 2 years, since I had one in my corner. That one lasted a couple of years. Prior coach to that was on and off over a number of years...
... mainly off.
I have a problem with structure.
As the great Jack Nicholson said in The Shining...
... All work and no play, makes riding dull and not a joy.
Today, was my first workout with a power meter in about 4 years.
I pushed back on this request, and the coach pushed this gem back at me...
Yeah, you old school guys have been successful doing it the old way. I get it. But, my ways are new school and very effective.
... so I got the pw, who wants to be called out like that?
When I reported I had it installed he said...
Oh yesssss
Now we can get going!
... and I'm thinking, bro we've been going for 2 weeks.
The workout drills were pretty straight forward and I had a good idea of what amount of watts I was supposed to hold for set amounts of time...
... and then I experienced the truth of a power meter.
When you commit to hold X watts for Y time,
your HR starts climbing,
breathing accelerates,
pain increases.
What am I hoping to accomplish via this new training?...
... learn some new tricks, reach some new heights.
Because here is one thing I know for sure,
we can learn reading books and watching videos...
... a world-class coach can speed all that up, and I'm in a hurry.
Regarding that pic above, during one of the interval sessions I was blasting along, holding down that power through a turn that had been booby trapped. Normally, I would have slowed up a bit...
... maybe I don't have to hurry that much?
7ish hrs
1 RaceDay Ready Circuit
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling