Y'ALL ARE ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, ride all kinds of bikes at all kinds of different races and events and festivals, with wildly varying experience, talent and skill level. We can only...
... imagine your #1 goal for next year.
I'm crystal clear on mine,
are you?
is a whole new challenge,
is yours?
will have me in 3 different states,
will you travel?
involves racing,
does yours?
I'll do with some of my pals,
how about you?
seems outrageous,
does yours?
will require some new bike parts, not a bike,
how about you?
is spread over 8 weeks,
includes a side race or two which could throw it all out of whack,
will you risk ruining recovery?
might include the support of Surfergirl,
will you have your own support?
deserves a special edition kit to fire me up,
have you ever done that?
could include heinous weather,
would you race if it gets ugly, cold, miserable?
I am so stoked about I decided to sponsor the prizes,
have you done that?
I really really really want to know,
and so does everybody else reading...
... do tell us here: https://pedalindustries.com/rip
7.4 hours
pushups, pullups & squats
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling