THERE'S AN OLD ARGUMENT, and it goes back to the beginning of training and coaching...
... Should we train our strengths or our weaknesses?
It depends.
It's all about the race.
Are we competing in an event whose features align with our strengths?
Let's stop there,
for a moment.
It's an important consideration.
If our strengths are going to be in play,
train 'em up.
Next question.
Should we focus on races that let our strengths shine?
It depends.
Are we looking to win or be challenged?
Not always the same thing.
While winning can be challenging, even when leaning heavily on our strengths...
... the most challenging races often ask more of us.
Then is the time to train our weaknesses or types of riding we aren't drawn to...
... and develop new skills,
which may turn to strengths.
As the great Tony Robbins says...
... Constant And Never-ending Improvement.
7.75 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling