LOOKING BACKWARDS WHILE RIDING A BIKE IS ALWAYS TRICKY. A little swerve, a missed sharp object... so many chances for things to go wrong. Looking forward is so much more fun, safe and profitable...
... which is what I like to do this time of year, start planning out next year.
Figure the big family events.
Scan the cycling calendars
- USACycling for Nationals
- Epic Rides
- Leadville
- SoCal Cycling
- AZCyclng
- Cycling Utah
- SoCal Endurance
- TeamBigBear
- LoToJa
- Cascade Cycling Classic
- ... basically everything within a day's drive.
Then the major work projects.
That's the big stuff and it goes on the calendar in that order: Family, Races/Adventures, Work.
There's monthly and weekly and daily planning. But, getting the big stuff right matters more. For me.
Speaking of getting stuff right, wouldn't winning the ENVE™ Wheels be awesome?
Buy any t-shirt between now and 12/31 and you'll be automatically entered in the $3000 ENVE™ Wheel Giveaway... and the t-shirt purchase will get you double the entries you'd normally get.
Best of luck!
Stretch and HyperVolt
8 hrs sleep