ROLLED OUT WITH A DEVILISH PLAN for myself. After 3 months of goofin' around, it was time to warm up the glow plugs on the Ol' Diesel. Nothing like...
... tickling zone 5 with the ticker.
Here's how weak I am.
Never in a millionkazillion years could I will myself push over 175 bpm...
- not for fun
- not for a coach
- not doing intervals
... I need to set up something stupid.
Like mashing the mammoth 50mm MTB tires,
with 20 lbs of pressure,
on the gravel bike...
... out to the local throwdown.
It was 25 minutes of pure, paved ecstasy.
Sandwiched in between 90 minutes of dirt, before and after.
Not much.
But, a start.
Time to begin upping the saddle time,
and sprinkling in a dash of intensity.
No need to hurry,
just stay consistent.
Keep doing the strength stuff.
If you build it...
... the watts will come.
163.9 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (10:30pm-5:30am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling