SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO CHANGE THINGS UP, but never ever do that when racing. Racing is when you apply all your hard earned training, all the lessons on nutrition, all the things that have worked in the past...
... not the time to chuck it all out the window.
But, that's what I did.
And, it's a long list of nonos.
For years I've had good luck getting up 3 hours early and eating a can of sardines and half a can of beans. Pinch your nose if you must, but there was gold with them tactics.
Today, lots of carbs. Rice cake, 2 tangerines, 1 1/2 Honeystinger waffles, a few macadamia nuts.
Warm Up
For decades all I've done to warm up is soft pedal and do some hard accelerations.
Today, and yesterday, I slowly ramped my HR up to 160s and held it there for 5-10 minutes.
I had my strategy of 2 bottles with 2 scoops + 4 waffles and 2 gels. 900 calories for 3 hours.
But, then I saw Victor Sheldon. He reps Hammer Nutrition and suggested I go with their flask and fill it with 7 gel packs. It's way easier than tearing a gel pack open! More importantly, he always annihilates me and everybody in our age group.
As I rolled out, thinking how bad I wanted redemption after such a poor showing last year at this event I consoled myself with these nuggets...
... the only way to know something works better in a race is to test it in a race...
... isn't amazing how the best secrets are revealed racing.
Due to Covid, we went off in 2 waves of 25 or so. I was in the second wave, my friends in the first. The race overnight leader was in my wave. We took off and the leader towed about 6 guys off into the distance.
I committed to ride my pace and stuff my face with gel from the flask, double scoop bottles, and my Salt Sticks.
It worked.
I felt absolutely amazing all 3 hours. Best I've felt in years. Even power throughout.
So, yeah, you'll be seeing a promo here for Hammer Nutrition very soon...
... the meantime I'll tell the dirty secret of Salt Stick.
First, as noted in the book Waterlogged that I reported on: one, as long as we don't over-hydrate we don't need more salt; two, cramps are more neurological than chemical; three, the salt tabs and the pickle juice etc confuse the brain and the cramps stop.
I'd never race without Salt Stick, and I love the chewables.
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Stretch and HyperVolt