DID YOU PICK UP A TRAINING SECRET this year? From a book or podcast or YouTube? Accidentally overhear the local coach...
... whispering truth to an athlete?
I bet you did.
But, that's not the real question.
The real question is did you, yes you, or I, yes me...
... do anything about it?
Because what is the point to...
- look
- listen
- and learn
... if we're not going to at the very least give it a whirl?
After trying and testing...
- the Classified 2-speed hub
- even more calories when racing
- mountain bike tires on the gravel bike
... these are my top 3 secrets of the year.
What are yours?
164 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (11pm-7am)
PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling