I WOKE WITH A FROG IN MY THROAT. Not surprising, Surfergirl has been coughing for a week. There was only one thing to do, and it wasn't going to be easy...
... with all the rain this week.
No, I wouldn't be meeting up with the fellas.
However, since the onset of my cold was above the neck...
... I could ride long as heck.
Most people don't do this,
and decline my invites.
Where are we riding today?
I don't know.
You have no plan.
Okay, I'm gonna do a group ride.
See ya next time.
The idea of getting lost,
aimlessly wandering,
is too vague.
I get it,
I also get this.
Every great adventure,
the ones we tell over and over,
are epic because at some point...
... the unexpected happened.
- We got lost
- Found a new trail
- Discovered a forgotten road
- Ignored the Private Property sign
- Had a massive mishap and lived to tell the tale
None of this happens on the group ride,
or in the man cave zwifting,
or at the races.
For me, It's almost a lock
I will discover something worthy
nearly every single time my objective is big zone 2.
It's an art,
to get lost and enjoy it.
Nothing new is ever discovered
on the road most traveled
166.2 lbs (more lost rides needed)
7.25 hrs
Push Ups and Pull Ups.
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling