IT'S ALWAYS RISKY INVITING the new guy. Dude expresses interest, I say join us on our easy day. He commits...
... shows up in a t-shirt, sneakers, helmet unbuckled.
Yeah, I'm that much of a snob to question those choices.
Instantly, I thought...
... We should skip the steep, rutted single track for his first gravel ride with us.
... he was having none of it.
Well, Hot Dang! if he didn't shred it like it was nothin'.
Serves me right for judging gym shorts by their... fabric?
And, that's not even the best news.
We've upped our numbers on this new ride, dubbed Dusty Shins, by a whopping 50%!
From 2 to 3.
You might be asking yourself...
... Why would The Ol' Diesel try and start a new group gravel ride?
Well, I have a theory...
- There's a whole bunch of cool cats in the world that I'll never get to know unless I get 'em bike ride.
- Most of us are workin' too hard, and playin' too little
- And, could use a little extra socializin'
... and a question.
Who ya gonna invite to join you on your superdupereasypeasy ride?
163.1 lbs
8 hrs sleep
Pull Ups, Push Ups
20 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling