I SPENT MY FIRST SUMMER AFTER HIGH SCHOOL, working for a tour company. As the advance scout, I would take a train to a day early and make sure accommodations were in order...
... then, read up on local attractions.
That is where I learned one of the greatest secrets of life.
In Italy.
Reading The Agony and The Ecstasy,
a biography of the great Michaelangelo.
I was fascinated,
then blown away.
I apply this secret to this day.
While carving the most impressive 17 foot tall statue called The David, which was one of his first projects, he described his method:
The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.
Imagine that.
When it comes to prepping for races or building a company or caring for friends and family...
... what can we chisel away?
There's the obvious few (many) extra pounds around the waist,
the few upgrades we might make to the bike.
What about time on social media, watching shows or surfing the web?
Unnecessary relationship drama at home or work?
Time spent making food vs a quick trip to Chipotle?
A home gym vs driving to the gym?
Work meetings for no reason, starting late, running over?
A checklist vs prepping from scratch each race?
A clean and pristine drivetrain vs debris and drag?
A proper bike fit for maximum efficiency?
Stocked up on special race nutrition vs running around at the last second?
Early travel plans for savings and most restful accommodations?
Early morning training vs the often uncontrollable late day training times?
Still reading?
Let's take it up another level.
Some might call this repentance, ceasing to do things that hold us back from being nearer to what we want...
... be that God or the finish line.
Think of it as ascension vs giving something up...
... isn't that the point of creating our next masterpiece anyway?
7ish hrs
1 Rip On RaceDay Circuit
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling