A SMALL GROUP OF US GATHERED OUTSIDE OUR CAMPSITES FOR BBQ TONIGHT. Only one guy knew everybody, but it didn’t matter. In the morning at 8:15am, we will all sing the National Anthem and then Sam Ames will explain the many ways he has concocted to destroy us over 80 or so miles of the Rock Cobbler gravel race...
... it feels more like a reunion or revival than a race.
In fact, the thing I like about the Rock Cobbler... besides the whacky courses with things like riding through residential homes - yes through the living room... is that it's not a race.
I mean there's numbers. There's timing.
But don't be fooled.
The numbers are there because Sam wants a headcount on all the destroyed riders who didn't make it in.
Same thing for the timing, it's so that one of his hired hands can look you in the eyes and say...
I'm sorry son, your race is done.
Which is probably why the last supper tonight was so enjoyable. A final chance to bond with other crazy cats.
Speaking of crazy, can you believe it's April?
Can you believe we are actually back to doing events?
Isn't cool that the race calendars are starting to solidify?
Yeah, you probably are wanting one of these now, right? So you can plan out your mighty A races.
They're giant. 50" tall x 24" wide. The weeks start on Monday, end on Sunday.
Use promo code ROCKCOBBLER to save 10% and get free shipping.
7 hrs sleep