WE STOPPED BY TO SEE A LONG LOST FRIEND TODAY. Way back when, we'd all lived at the Whiting Ranch trailhead. The ladies joined the Trail Angels, the dudes joined the Warrior's Society...
... we rode, we raised kids.
We learned of the recent tragic and sudden passing of their grown child.
An unimaginable situation, the kind where you wish you nearby...
... today we were traveling through.
She was alone, spouse off to work trip.
It's hard to explain the bonds that form along our rides. Kindred spirits, intertwined. Miles down the road, we pick up where we left off.
We listened,
we hugged,
we wept.
We may never fully comprehend or accept unanticipated hardships as we ride through mortality...
... but, we keep pedaling and loving and being loved by those we meet along the way.
It's getting time to start thinking about next year...
... and get your giant wall calendar.
8.5 hrs
0 PullUps 0 Pushups
no stretch
0 minutes reading books + journaling