WHEN WE'RE REALLY PASSIONATE, we dive into the history of our sport. The origin stories of the largest, most famous events...
... deeply inspire us.
We're more connected because the event's origin often mirrors our own.
For example, before BWR was an international success, it was a fun ride that some nut, MMX, decided it would be rad to add some unroading (his made up word, I love.)
I heard about it years later.
Tried some local dirt on my road bike.
Got hooked, got a gravel bike, got signed up for a BWR.
Ironman Triathlon can be traced back to 1978 in Hawaii, where Commander John Collins and his wife Judy pondered a friendly debate; who were the fittest athletes, swimmers, cyclists, or runners?
To settle the argument, they combined three existing races into one event.
Hearing about that, watching Dave Scott be reeled in by The Grip (Mark Allen), is all I needed to give it a shot...
... to see how fit I actually was.
The more I watch the Tour de France, the more I learn about it...
- the yellow jersey is yellow because the promoter owned a newspaper and printed it on yellow paper
- the original states were often over 300 miles long
- the mountain passes were mainly gravel roads
- smoking was for enhanced performance
- riders were self-supported
... I love it, wish I'd been there 100 years ago.
I imagine myself there.
Check out the nostalgic images my pal Brett Horton as amassed.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps and PushUps
30 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
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