THE STORY OF THE GREAT RONNIE COLEMAN IS ON NETFLIX. I'm struck by the persistence, humility, and greatness of this man and athlete. You might be too...
... it reminded of what makes binge watching great (it's a 90 min documentary).
It's the arc of our own story that takes us from hacks and weekenders to consistently improving beasts.
That's why we binge watch, to find out what's going to happen to our heroes and villains.
Perched on my saddle, it appears to me that the dabblers - hacks is too harsh - are the riders who never really get better. The ones who get excited, buy a bike, ride it a few times and turn into place to dry out wet clothes.
That's not us.
We register for events and we race.
The more official and epic the race, the more dramatic and awesome our story. Wherever your racing is on the scale...
Beating Your PR <-- Racing to the City Limits sign --> Winning Nationals
It's our own heroes journey and battling of real and made up villains that keeps us going, and coming back for more. The endless fasciation with improving our performance.
Non-racers mostly miss out on all that drama. Which I contest is why they lose interest. There is no story arc for them.
For example, we'll sign up for an event that is 6 months out.
We start paying more attention to what we are eating, how far we are riding, how fast we are going, getting a bike fit... all things we can do to increase efficiencies. We measure them. See what works, what doesn't. Test ourselves against friends or less important races, etc.
That is our story arc.
Watch Ronnie's story and you'll get the sweet flavor of this post.
Kinda like the sweet flavor of Honey Stinger Waffles.
I just love these... perfect for long rides when you want something solid that goes down deliciuosly.
These also make great stocking stuffers, plus get you entered into the ENVE™ Wheel Giveaway.
Stretch and HyperVolt
7 hrs sleep
(finally got that KOM - now that's drama)