WELL, I'M TUCKERED. The machines are tuckered. The many hands that make the magic happen are worn and achy. We're shuttin' 'er down for a couple of days...
... even elves gotta have an off season.
But, here's the dill.
The things we really want...
- speed
- power
- time
... we can't purchase.
The things we can purchase...
- equipment
- apparel
- trips
... we'd be embarrassed to task to a loved one.
We gotta be our own elves.
So, pretend your tapped on the cash...
... how are you going to get more speed, power, time?
Imagine it's spring time,
you're toeing the line...
- fit
- taught
- relaxed
... what's it gonna take?
Write it down,
wrap it up.
Give yourself a real gift.
Better yet,
give it to a friend or family member.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-5:45am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling