DEADLINES ARE SO POWERFUL, it is shocking how much we can accomplish when time is constrained and we are given...
... the date with destiny.
Isn't that the best part of racing anyway?
A date,
a deadline
to be super fit.
On such and such a date I will be as ready as possible, as close to my maximum potential as I can be.
There is only one problem,
and, therefore, one challenge.
The challenge is to be as close to our best as possible,
the problem is we don't have a deadline...
... until one day,
we are dead.
Which is how I'm feeling today.
Wiped out.
Yesterday's ride was massive,
Historic according to Starva.
I was deconstructing the effort on the major climb, Harding Truck Trail.
My PR is 1:03,
set 10 years ago...
... when it was an official race,
on a cool and misty morning,
with nothing to carry up.
I was 10 minutes slower yesterday...
... in scorching heat,
with bottles and gear to last 3 hours
and over 30 miles and 2500' of warm up.
Does that count for the 10 minutes slower?
Oh, and new shoes that aren't 100% perfectly dialed in yet?
Could I do a 1:03 again?
I don't know,
but, I'm pretty darn sure I'm
a lot closer to my potential now than I was 10 years ago.
One more problem, my potential is degrading...
... and my deadline is getting closer.
Time to move faster.
8 hrs
No Strength Training
30 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling