TOOK A MOMENT TO PUMP WITH LIVING COLOR, Cult Of Personality is still relevant today. Even for us...
.. who worship endurance.
And it got me thinking about who we are and who we aren't.
We chase fitness to be better at all things,
not sacrifice what matters most.
We revere epic efforts because they energize us,
not discourage us.
We honor the spartan approach of individualism, strength and ruggedness,
not sameness, mediocrity and timidity.
We seek outrageous goals and efforts,
not easy street.
We are about bonding, respect and friendship,
not leaving behind the one.
We search out designs that reflect our warrior's spirit,
not the bland and boring.
We believe in being strong and capable to move heavy things,
not just on the bike.
We invite, encourage, and share our joy for ripping with all,
not ignore, give up on or hide our secrets.
If you're looking for some vintage ripping from the 80s click the pic...
7 hrs
1 RaceDay Ready Circuit
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling