IN WORLD WHERE EVERYONE HAS their own truth, it's hard to tell what is really the truth. And, it matters. Truth...
... makes everything clear and easy.
So, let me be as clear as I can be.
These are the 5 laws,
commandments if you will.
- REST. Get plenty of rest. Sleep a lot. Doing less and resting may not make sense to a beginner, but we get it. Right? Sleep is critical.
- GOOD FOOD. Keep it simple. Don't eat sugar or drink alcohol or do drugs. Do eat whole foods, meals where we can identify the ingredients. For example, a steak salad vs a protein bar.
- GO HARD SPARINGLY. We need to have the brutally hard efforts, once or twice a week. That's it. Not every day.
- GO EASY ABUNDANTLY. The rest of our endurance training should be easy and fun and rejuvenating.
- LIFT WEIGHTS. Resistance exercise, heavy weight and low reps, builds power and makes bones strong. I like large muscle groups, primarily pull ups, pushups, and squats.
That's it.
Okay, that's not it.
But, that is the truth and when we get that right...
... we're 95% there.
There, being extremely fit and healthy.
Notice, doing that is practically free...
... just takes some dedication.
12 hrs sleep
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling