I LOVE PRO RACING. Seeing the teams, the attention to detail, the whole attitude and vibe pros radiate. The weird thing is...
... some pro's are so amateur and some amateurs are so pro.
The difference isn't...
- Money
- Sponsors
- Equipment
- Training time
... nope, it's something so obvious it's easy to miss.
A bit of background:
Amateur (noun)
1784, "one who has a taste for some art, study, or pursuit, but does not practice it," from French amateur "one who loves, lover" , from Latin amatorem "lover, friend," agent noun from amatus, past participle of amare "to love"
Pros love racing.
Amateurs don't love racing enough.
It shows in everything pros do.
Sponsored or not.
Amateurs wing it.
Pros leave nothing to chance.
Weekend warriors vs.
Every Day Is RaceDay.
Every single day the pro works on their craft. They rest like pros, eat like pros, sleep like pros, recover like pros, train like pros.
It's not a matter of time as much as it's a matter of dedication and consistency.
I've seen amateurs spend ride a lot, spend immense sums of cash...
... only to be smoked by a pro on a mid-level bike, holding a fulltime job.
Amateurs diet.
Pros fuel.
Amateurs race.
Pros race to win.
And before you get all itsnotaboutwinning on me, you know where I stand on that...
... the pro leaves nothing on the battlefield, win or lose.
Amateurs take two pedal strokes, and coast.
Pros keep pedaling.
Here's a little pro secret: it's easy to maintain pro once you...
... we're all counting on you.
There are two tools that I find invaluable for staying on the Pro path.
The Giant RaceDay Calendar...
... and the reminder wallet.
I have printed a wallet with an outrageous goal going on 4 years.
Not only is at a constant reminder of what I'm after, but it's made of inner and has a true cycling vibe...
... plus, it slides perfectly into a jersey pocket.
Type into the Custom Name field what you want on your wallet.
7.5ish hrs Sleep
1 Strength training
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling