EVER SINCE I READ ABOUT THE HUMMER and it's ability to inflate and deflate it's tires on run, I've dreamt of the day we could do that on our bikes. Now it's here
... and I don't like it.
I can't put my finger on it.
There's just something wrong.
Like all the edge, hardness, chance is removed and we are left with...
... oh, look at the softy now.
Can you imagine a Greek god riding this tech?
We already rarely get flats, snap chains or pop spokes. Gone are the days of trailside repairs being a racing skill.
We have computers telling us how hard to pedal and how fast to spin....
... even monitors testing our blood while racing so we know when to eat.
How will we ever develop backs strong enough to carry the load of life if we keep slicing away the hard with tech?
You know what the problem is though, right?
If/when this gets wide adoption, you and I won't be competitive without it. Plus, we'll snag even more PRs with it.
Technically speaking it's not cheating...
... but, it feel like we are cheating ourselves of a better, harder experience.
If you're looking to harden up, get RaceDay Ready™ in 10 weeks.
Here's the answer:
165.1 guessing, no scale
7.5 hrs
5 Pull Ups + 10 PushUps + 10 Heavy Squats
30 minutes recovery
45 minutes reading + Journaling