THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF BOOKS I ENJOY: business, spy fiction, and wisdom literature. Often, I'll read two or three simultaneously. However, one of them is more...
... applicable to racing.
For me, that's the spy novel.
They're all pretty much the same story...
- Smart spy
- Mission prep
- Dangerous situation
- Axe to grind with the enemy(s)
- Things look really bad until the tables turn
- Throw in some sort of romance for good measure
... and I am a sucker for a good page turner.
It's probably why I enjoy racing so much...
- Register
- Race prep
- Gun goes off
- Competitors self-identify
- Things get rowdy as miles go by
- A hill at the finish needs conquering
- Throw in some sort of podium or PR for good measure
... it's always astonishing how time is palpably different when racing.
It's all stats with Registration.
The bigger the race,
the more unsure the outcome,
the more likely to be beaten into submission,
the better the stories we can tell and the memories to last a lifetime.
Are you planning an A race for the Fall,
or already looking at next year?
7.5 hrs
Full RaceDay circuit + short jog
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling