THREE OF US DROVE DOWN TO DO SWAMI'S LONG. 2 made it, 1 was dropped. With Cav out again, along with Cal, and some cat from Bora Hansgrohe the energy was high and the group was large. Those 3 pros looked around at us commoners and drilled it up Levante, all the way through Elfin Forest.
It was over early for many.
I checked my phone at the church regroup. Nothing.
Friends as we are, we left him and hit the long course.
The sad, lonely text finally came in. I felt bad him. It's no fun getting left behind.
The only question that remained was if he'd wait for us at the car... he was our driver. If he left us, it would be a long 20+ miles into a stiff headwind... or, a quick LYFT ride.
He embraced his doom. Rode with the Short group. Pulled into Starbucks. Sucked down a hot drink and a toasty bagel. Pulled out 40 minutes later and graciously drove us home.
It's not always easy, just better.