YA KNOW, it's a shame I have to be reminded of this every year or so. But, here it is very late spring, and the signs couldn't be more clear...
... there's evil creeping in the woods.
It's unseen,
unless you slow down.
But, who has time for that?
While we were out ripping it up on DRTY WDNSDY the evil was doing it's thing...
... wrapping around my arms and legs.
Without a trace.
Until last night when I awoke in misery.
My right arm got it the worst.
Everything from sleeve to glove is inflamed, in a weird rhino-skin way.
So, here are my top 2 remedies.
- If you suspect in the slightest, use Tecnu immediately after returning from a ride.
- If you've blown it, like I have, Ivarest is great at knocking back the urge...
... to rip the skin off your body.
Roadies, you got nothing to worry about.
Gravelers, maybe a teeny chance if you poach singletrack.
Mountainbikes below 5000' in moist, shady areas like the bottom of our trail network...
... beware, and take care.
It ain't called Poison Ivy for nothing.
8.5 hrs
No strength work
20 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling