PAY ATTENTION AND YOU START TO NOTICE SKID MARKS ALL OVER THE PLACE. If you're the one laying down the rubber or carving up the dirt you're tapping into your rebellious side... and if your execution is flawless and graceful... well, that's a helluva feeing.
Carving up the local fire roads on my gravel bike today, I remembered one of the best bike lessons I ever got. And it was free, from my friend Brett.
Bret had race flat track motorcycles professionally... they're the original drifters... and he was the best skidder I've ever seen.
He kindly let me know I sucked... well into my 30's, 20+ years of skidding...
... and I'd been doing it all wrong.
Rather than share the many wrong ways... lemme just share the right way to skid through a turn.
The most important thing Brett taught me is to start your skid before you're turning, it's the only way to keep the back end from sliding away below you and leaving on your arse or worse.
Got that?
Start the skid while you're still going straight, then steer through the turn and the back end will come right around under control.
Why skid?
It's fun.
It can be a lot faster way to get through a tight turn off road.
It looks cool.
It kicks up a ton of dirt making it harder for trailing riders to see... I'd never do that.
If you're going to be working on your stylish skidding... wear a good, stylish helmet.
The first time, the very first time I placed the Protone - the blue one - atop my head I knew it was a winner. Perfect fit. Great airflow.
And right now we've got an incredible promotion... 20% savings... with promo code: MENSSANA. (expires 5/31)
Production is back up and running, most custom orders placed prior to 4/1 will ship week of 5/18, custom orders placed in April will ship towards the end of the month, custom orders placed now will ship in approximately 4 weeks from art approval.
166.4 lbs
Office Move Pt. 2
7 hours sleep