I'M SUCH AN ARROGANT DORK! Because I was leading the series, and because I was undefeated, and because I was too lazy to check the points system I totally disrespected my competition today. The result: I lost the championship by 1 measly point.
I deserved to lose, and they deserved to beat me silly.
Even the above is arrogant... so let me try and sanitize the scent, like I did at the finish.
Fellas, great racing today and congrats on the fast finishes.
Was something wrong with you Todd?
Nope. You guys were better today.
That's the truth.
It's also true that I rode too hard the last 10 days, didn't taper. And it's true that I had a rough night. And it's really true that I didn't bother to check how the scoring went, thinking it was like other series where wins count so heavy that my lead was unassailable.
I should have:
I knew I was tired after the 6 races at OverTheHump.
Pre-ridden the course a few times,
it's technical and I lost a lot of time being cautious.
Looked at how the points are awarded,
That alone would have set up the previous 2 weeks.
It's arrogant to think that would have mattered, but if I'd taken those measures I'd at least know I gave it my all. I did give it my all today, but I have those little things nagging at me... making me wonder and thinking... I coulda, woulda, shoulda.
I'm also really grateful. I'm grateful to the Non-Dot crew for putting on a really fun race series. I'm grateful to have good health, and to have friends that are also healthy and able to race and still have fun. I'm grateful to do as good as I did, 'cause I had no aspirations when it started... these guys are animals. I'm grateful for the County of Orange for allowing the races. I'm grateful for all the volunteers.
But, I'm most grateful to have been served up a big slice of humble pie.
I was starving for it.
Everybody ready to play.
Come on turd, get those wheels off the ground!
Cool shot.
Pizza never tasted to good!