THINGS DIDN'T GO AS EXPECTED AT THE RACE LAST NIGHT. While I arrived plenty early, felt wonderful on the warm up, and ripped off the front on the first lap...
... I made a big booboo on the second lap.
It was my fault.
Let me preface it all with this bit of truth from the allegory of the olive tree. The master of the vineyard, wanting to preserve his trees ordered his workers to dung the ground. In other words...
... without pig shift trees were gonna die.
So it is with racing, if we aren't blundering or worse from time to time...
... there would be no growth.
My blunder?
Trusty Mike came through and told us it was a 3 lap race. The announcer said it was a 2 lap race. For some dumb reason 3 stuck in my head, and I didn't mind turning over the lead as we finished the second lap...
... until the cat I was stalking sprinted for the line.
It was too late for me to do anything.
I burned in that shifty thinking by completing the third lap anyway. Apparently, that wasn't enough because when I related the idiotic episode to Surfergirl she reminded me...
... you've done that before.
Some lessons we get to repeat, until we master.
Which is the point.
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Buy Gloves, Get Socks.
5.5 hrs (so hard to sleep after evening races)
0 Pull Ups + 30 PushUps +15 Heavy Squats
25 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling