THERE AIN'T MUCH WORSE THAN PLANNING TO HIT A BIG RACE, delaying signing up, and finding out registration is closed. Except, of course...
... waiting until the last moment, paying extra, then paying dearly.
By paying dearly, I mean getting your lycra cradled buns handed to you.
A wise old diesel once said...
... Until you have registered for the event you are nothing.
Kinda harsh.
But, totally true.
That's the first line in his book, and the very words my handsome and kind cousin regurgitated to me Saturday.
Todd, I had an amazing experience.
Yeah, I've been playing tennis for 30 years and I've had the same weak volley all along. I decided to find a coach and change it, even if it took me 10,000 hours.
Wow cous'!
Yeah, but it's like that book says... magic happens once we commit.
How so?
Well, I found the coach. Spent an hour with him. Revolutionized my net play on the spot.
That's freakin' awesome!
That's the power of registering.
So, you can imagine my joy today when one of my padawans responded with the following when I asked if he was registered for his A race.
Sure am... check this from the race promoter.
If you're into making the most of RaceDay, then ya outta check out what we're doing.
We take this seriously.
Not because winning a bike race is serious business, it's fun...
... because being prepared to win on a moment's notice is straight up bad to the bone.
8.5 hrs
25 Pull Ups + 24 Power PushUps + 25 Heavy Squats
30 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling