Re-Post from

GRAVEL, MIXED-SURFACE, ADVENTURE RACE... WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT, it's the fact there's no right name (yet) that is so perfect.  Because there's no right bike either!

They all work:  MTBs with skinny tires - road bikes with fattish tires - CX bikes - "gravel" bikes.  They're all great on most surfaces, not as good on some.

That's the fun, trying to figure out which rig will be the best.  Which tires and pressures.  Which gearing.  Which foods.  Which shoes - road or MTB.  Which helmet - vented or aero...

The unknown of what lies ahead is refreshing.

Every ride is an open invitation to explore.  See some fresh smooth tarmac, enjoy it.  See a dirt trail, carve it.  See an abandoned road, raid it.

That's how we're creating our courses too.

For HUNKR - LA we're going to be starting on a highway that hasn't seen cars in 50+ years, then we'll be on a beautiful country road through a tiny town, followed by our last segment of rugged fire road.

What's the right bike?
Only the adventurous will know.