WITH ALL THE BUZZ ABOUT PURSUING YOUR PASSION, it’s surprising how few actually do it. I think it’s because the people who write the books are writers, and the people pursing their passion aren’t writing about it. They are too busy doing it.
So how does a 9 year old kid pursue his passion and change lives in the process?
Start with a passion.
Keep getting better.
Expertise is soon garnered.
Improvement follows.
It’s a virtuous circle of escalating mo’betterment.
The 9 year old ages and reaches the highest levels of accomplishment.
At some point, this pursuer of passion starts creating.
Others join the movement created and are soon adding their own improvements.
Nothing is ever finished.
Everything gets better.
At 9, Chris Carmichael started racing bicycles. He raced right up to the highest levels of the sport. A broken leg derailed the racing career, but the passion still burned. So he shared what he’d learned with other racers at USA Cycling. It was his dad who suggested he keep pursuing his passion and thus was born Carmichael Training Systems (CTS). CTS legitimized cycling coaching. Thousands of individuals changed their sporting lives through CTS coaches and other coaches who leveraged the pioneering efforts of CTS.
I have personally been touched by so many people pursuing their passions:
Hobie Alter’s passion for beach life gave me the skateboards I rode and the sailboats we sailed.
Terry Laughlin’s passion for changing the way swimming is taught and practiced via his company Total Immersion Swimming changed the way I swim, increasing my skills and speed.
Steve Jobs’ passion for technology and simplicity got me in the desktop publishing business.
Gary Fisher’s passion for riding bikes in the dirt gives me hours of pleasure on the mountain bike.
The examples of people pursuing their passion are all around us.
Pursue your passion.
Get good at it.
Make improvements.
Nothing is ever perfected.
There is always a better way.
What is yours?