IT CAN BE A CHALLENGE TO EAT ENOUGH PROTEIN, which our bodies need to repair and maintain muscles. With all our efforts to be fueled for the ride, it's easy to skip or skimp on...
... whatever your thoughts on how much protein you need.
The studies can be startling.
A study showed the young really don't need any protein because their bodies manufacture their own supply, while aging athletes need more because their bodies can't utilize it as efficiently.
What are we supposed to do?
Me, I have a goal to eat a gram of protein for every pound I weigh.
To stay on track and make it easy I try and knock most or all of my protein consumption prior to dinner...
... then, I can eat whatever the family, friends or I want to eat.
There are bonuses to this program:
- Your full all the time
- Not consuming a bunch of unneeded calories
I created a journal my protein consumption, the rest is a focus on eating "clean".
For example, here's today's entry...
30 Kodiak waffles
7 Bacon
7 Cheese
22 Sardines
12 Rx Bar
25 Kachava Shake
50 Poke (dinner)
36 Greek yogurt (dessert)
... a little over gram/pound of my body weight.
Good thing the Superlight Race Gloves...
... provide such a powerful connection to my bars.
Did you know...
... it's Buy A Pair, Get A Pair for FREE?
I wear 'em all year long, they're that good.
Anyway, if you're in to Patriotic stuff like me, get a pair for you and a friend.
Note: be sure and order 2 pair, the discount is automatic when you check out.
7.8 hrs
0 cross training
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling