ITS HARD TO EARN RESPECT IN THE PELOTON. If you're new to town, new to sport, clothes aren't cool, body a different shape, helmet askew, legs unshaven...
... there's always gonna be a reason to be disrespected.
I respect the riders and racers who:
- race a challenging category vs the easy win
- back down their pace to keep to their plan
- stop to help fix a flat
- teach others etiquette
- have long range plans
- pull through
- stay in the back when the front is too much
- plan a group adventure
- work on their skills
- fix their own bikes
- ride bikes they can easily afford
- keep the original bike that got them going
- bring enough food
- head up a team
- start a group ride
- help the youth
- teach how to handle a bike
- get up early, stay up late to get it all done
- keep their cool while racing
- hold their line
- pull a straggler up to the group ride
... chase their own PRs.
The thing I like about this shirt is it's only for those who get it...
... outsiders won't get it, but you do.
Use this code: TODDSFAVET
to save 20%...
... this code won't last forever.
7.75 hrs
1 strength rotation
25 minutes recovery
75 minutes reading + Journaling