I'VE BEEN INVITED TO SPEAK on the subject of peacemaking. Weird, I know. For someone who manufactures angst on the start line...
... this is going to be a challenge.
For years, I've known generating a little pissedoffness...
... can sharpen the senses, and increase the wattage.
So, I'd come up with some fake backstory on some unsuspecting competitor.
They'd never know.
It's an immature idea, but...
... I know it's origin.
Early on, as I got into racing...
... I really got into crit racing.
Trust me, there's nothing like the adrenaline spikes from..
- banging elbows
- getting cut off in a turn
- being swarmed in the final meters
... it's a most powerful drug.
Because, we don't just feel threatened...
we're dodging bullets.
So, Joe Racer shows up at the next race and it's real easy...
... to harness that negative energy.
Eventually, I got over it.
It was simple, really.
I gave most people the benefit of the doubt, and stayed clear of the turds.
Which is why I almost always find myself making up some kooky gossip on...
- a fellow competitor
- doing their best
- to be safe
... it works, so I do it.
And, to be honest, most of the time it's the racer I'm lined up next to, smiling and introducing myself.
Doltish, I know.
But, here's the thing
- sometimes the danger is f'reals
- we have every right to be ticked off
- especially if the actions are intentional
... like the turd who ran me into the barriers a few years ago.
When that happens, we can...
- turn the other cheek
- be confrontation and contentious
- seek first to understand, then be understood
... we have choices.
That turd who tried to ruin me nearly did me in...
- I hit the barrier,
- shredded my jersey,
- and bled all over my arm, body and bike.
... turning the other cheek seemed like the best option
I was exhausted from the race,
and tired of being angry.
It was getting me nowhere.
And we want to go places...
... am I right?
7.5 hrs
No Strength Work
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling