THERE IS SO MUCH TO FIGURE OUT on the first race. Sure we know how ride, run and swim, that ain't nearly enough. No matter how much we study up, have a friend help us, we are...
... quite sure there is a code.
And, we don't know it!
Even if we did.
From start to finish...
... it feels like a big-time bank heist.
We are...
- rushing
- sweating
- on the verge of panicking
... trying to remember everything we were supposed to have memorized.
In all likelihood we'll be...
- taken away
- exposed
- busted
... and that is what makes it so dern fun!
The self-imposed pressure is tremendous.
We freakin' love it.
Live for it.
We commit to crack the code...
... till we get away scot-free.
8 hrs sleep
1 pullup 1 pushup
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling