WE'VE BEEN THREATENING TO DO THIS, get our other women together and see how things go. You know jump on...
... the trending societal debauchery.
Tonight was the night where Surfergirl found out my other woman...
... is a man with a bike.
Kidding aside.
I put out a text the DRTY WDNSDY crew,
Susie is making tacos after the ride.
Here's the thing.
We spend all this time riding together,
talking about work, kids, life,
the good, the trials,
dude bonding.
We need it.
Too few of our contemporaries have any kind of male only interaction. Dude loneliness is a thing, and for some can be a killer. In that sense, we are extremely fortunate.
While we know each other so well,
our partners only know of us...
And, I reckon more than a few have wondered...
... Who the heck is he spending so much time with?!
So, to finally get together and put faces with stories it can be an amazing experience for everybody because truth be told most of us are...
... riding with incredible human beings.
7 hrs
Full RaceDay Ready Circuit
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling