WHEN I FIRST GOT ON A REAL ROAD BIKE, as an adult, I rode 6 miles. The next day, I borrowed it again, and rode 12. Within a week...
... I raced my first crit.
That's not normal.
What seemed insane to my college roommates quickly became...
... completely normal for me.
30 miles a day.
no prob.
125 on a Saturday.
ho hum.
2 hours on a trainer,
But, my new normal is a completely different thing. It's taken my riding to a whole new level...
... and it's not the saddle time.
The biggest gains are doing the things my riding pals think are nuts.
Sound familiar?
They are only nuts, I think, because they are not normal.
But, check it out.
It is now normal for me to squat my body weight every day. Multiple times, multiple sets.
It's normal, it's not a strain.
I'm just a helluvalot stronger...
... like when 30 miles a day became normal.
Not a big deal.
But, a big deal when it comes to laying down the power.
What else that seemed insane is now normal?™-10-week-challenge
There are no secrets...
... unless you don't take the challenge.
I'm always adding to this body of knowledge.
It's free.
It's not normal.™-10-week-challenge
6ish hrs (heatwave, no a/c)
16.8% b.f.
60.7% h2o
2 RaceDay Ready™ Circuits
30 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling