AS FAR AS PREP GOES FOR TOMORROW'S RACE, I'd have to say I'm doing pretty good. Some things could be better...
... but the requisite goofy mustache is on point.
The rest, well...
- I got here late, only to be that guy who thought he registered but didn't.
- My taper was not the best - 10 hours and 10,000' of climbing this week.
- My tires - yeah, i'm stoked to see how the 45s romp off road
- Nutrition - just prepping bottles and food, 100 grams carbs/hr
- Helmet - opting for the slightly more aero Protone
- Kit - the new Among The Wolves design and updated pattern, etc
- Sleep - lastnights storm was like a rock concert in the van - not enough
- Work - worked too much today, not enough rest
- Friends - got lots of 'em here, can't wait to rub elbows.
- Waffles - the legendary pre-ride carbs are on my mind already.
What does all that mean?
It's been a heckuva week...
... tomorrow will perfectly top it off.
Good luck y'all!
7 hrs
No strength work
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling