YOU BORROWED A BIKE, got the bug, now what? Remember those days? Sheepishly approaching the bike shop hands with questions...
... and feeling like such a newb.
So much to learn...
- simple maintenance
- nutrition
- bike fit
- clothes
- training plans
- tactics and strategies
You should have one goal, only...
... mastery.
You must always be improving you skills, increasing your knowledge, honing your craft...
... then you're in control, depending on no one.
Perhaps my favorite tool is the giant RaceDay Calendar™.
It's huge...
... and hung in plain sight.
Nothing is more powerful than writing down want you want and...
... conspicuously placing it for ALL to see.
Use promo code: GETITDONE!
to save 15%
8 hrs
0 Pull Ups + 10 PushUps + 5 Heavy Squats
20 minutes recovery
40 minutes reading + Journaling