ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR is all the colors that come out for a few brief weeks or months. The lights, the parades...
... and the old, old, old team jackets from the 90's.
Unsurprisingly, the riders themselves are old, old, old as well.
Which brings up this parallel insight I observed on the peppy, groupy portion of the ride.
There we are sleighing it through town. The Hulk keeps attacking and gapping us. I bridge up a few times and the fellas do the ol'...
... well, if Diesel is willing to chase why help?
Like those old jackets, I had a choice to make.
It made no sense to keep pulling the Hulkster back.
I had to lose 'em, or use 'em.
It's December, a good time to use 'em.
It's also a good time to get yourself, your friend and your mom a PEDALindustries beanie.
For 40% off, this weekend only.
Use promo code USEIT
8 hrs
20 Pull Ups 40 PushUps
HyperVolt & Stretch
60 minutes reading + Journaling