A FEW CARS AHEAD A LONE RIDER WAIT FOR THE GREEN. USACyclng redwhiteandblue jersey, USACycling black shorts.
Is it a real racer?
Can't tell, looks like an oldish bike and wheels.
Sure looks lean.
Might be a real one.
The rider shot out Supermanlike, leaving now doubt. We eased by a lane over, too far to yell...
... Hey Andrew!
Yep, 98% sure that was Andrew Vollmer. Known him since he was a stringbean under a giant helmet racing NICA.
I'd heard he and his friend Kevin Vermaerke were in town training. Closing in on 20, they're both working hard to make it.
Fitting that this week I'd finally gotten around to starting PhilTheThrill Gaimon's book, Pro Cycling On $10 A Day.
If you've ever wondered what kind of life these young pros are living, I highly recommend the book. Phil is a great story teller... sharing tidbits of truth and wisdom mixed with background info on many riders you may have heard of.
... I tried to write that paragraph above for about 10 minutes... let me try one more time... it's a helluva entertaining book for bike racing nuts like myself.
Which brings me back to young Andrew, training alone... Phil asks the question in his book, What is it about bike racing and loner weirdos?... my answer, maybe that's part of the superpower all racers have... being okay enough with ourselves to enjoy being alone?
Maybe we enjoy the peace?
I know I enjoy the peace I find logging solo, soulful miles... if you're the same you might enjoy them more clad in this jersey or it's wild child fraternal twin.
Just for this week, we'll say buy the Peace or Wild Child Jersey, get the socks free use promo code: WILDPEACE
8.5 hrs sleep
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