MY FRIEND ZACH MISSED OUR RIDE LAST NIGHT, and I was so glad! Not because he's a beast. Not because he's a bad bike handler. Not because he always snags a waffle when he's here...
... none of those reasons.
I was thrilled because he bailed out to spend time with his young daughter,
take her on a bike ride.
There's nothing better.
I was able to do the same myself this morning with my old son,
take him on one of my favorite gravel rides,
to one of my favorite stops,
first time.
We did a ton of riding when he was little. First on our tandem. Then shuttle runs and resort runs. But, he never really caught the vision of climbing...
... under manpower
... suffering
... and I get it, it's not for everybody...
... but then again, he did say...
I can't wait for Beck to be big enough to go on a bike ride.
I still have the tandem.
Don't sell it.
Not a chance.
But, I am selling this beauty... the one that got me down this gravel road, the gateway drug to endless choices.
Even Shane loves gravel, and that's something. Heck, we road for 2 hours this morning... and on the way back he said, lets go further next time, and have the ladies meet us at the store.
So, if you're into adventure and possible carving out some time with family and friends...
Details are below... no unreasonable offer will be refused.
164.4 lbs - oops
20 PullUps 40 PushUps
7.5 hours sleep