THERE ARE SO MANY MOVING PARTS TO SUCCESSFUL RACING. Wheels, chains, cassettes, rings, legs...
... the bike.
But, those aren't always the most important parts.
I was reminding of that this morning, and all I was trying to do was coordinate a training ride.
As I pull up to the trail head, the texts started pouring in...
From Where are you?.
I'm where you are supposed to be.
To, I'm riding towards you don't wait.
I never do.
To, I'm leaving later.
I hope you'll catch us.
We're all training for one of the longest and most grueling endurance races in the USA.
Most participants are happy to finish at all. The rest of us are trying earn belt buckles, big and small depending on your time.
Year after year people miss the 9hr cutoff for the big buckle by seconds, and 12hr cut off for the small buckle...
... which are cooler than any buckle, ever.
There is no mercy, as there shouldn't be.
In 2012, my moving time was 8:35:42 and my elapsed time was 8:38:51.
In 2019, my moving time was 8:06:36 and my elapsed time was 8:16:07.
That is according to Strava, and I'm not sure it's entirely accurate. But, you get the picture, if you're aren't well coordinated with your support...
... you can lose big and small time,
and buckles.
One thing you can do to help out your crew is have an easy to spot jersey.
Surfergirl really likes this one.
I do, too.
It reminds me to break free of any shackles holding me back.
I made this one for the 2019 race. At the time, I was developing our Winged Wolf logo. It wasn't perfect yet. The image repeats on the bibs...
... on the back of the jersey, across the pockets it reads: No one of consequence. That is my favorite line from The Princess Bride, spoken by The Dread Pirate Roberts.
What's the take away for you?
- Take time to plan ALL of your next adventure.
- Design a jersey that inspires you and stands out.
Yeah, you should absolutely take advantage of the fact we will make as few as 1 (one) jersey...
... just for you.
165.1 (still carrying Sea Otter weight)
7 hrs
0 Pull Ups + 0 PushUps + 0 Heavy Squats
20 minutes recovery
15 minutes reading + Journaling