MY FRIEND KIM PUTS ON A HUGE ROLLING PARTY EVERY YEAR CALLED BIKE VIRGINIA. She's just a plain fun person, plus she rides and she surfs... so yeah, we're friends. But, the thing that really sticks out to me is the way she's arranged her life. It's unlike mine, probably unlike yours.
Is it doable?
Yes, she's doing it.
Could you do it? Could I?
Check it out.
She and her husband live in an RV at a top surf spot on the East Coast. In the winters they come west and live in a smaller RV - tiny, really - and surf and ride in our sunny warmth. He just needs a laptop, she just needs a phone. It's a lean lifestyle, and it's also very liberating. They rented their house out years ago, with the idea they'd try it for a while. It's been a while. And they love it.
That gives her plenty of time to think of new, fresh ways to Bike Virginia. It's not a race at all. Everyday is fully supported with riders choosing multiple routes - long and short, spunky and leisurely. Lots of food trucks to fill 'em up. Great camping or lodging. Sounds like a customizable party to me.
Could I do that lifestyle?
I think so, my lady not so much. Maybe one day I'll husband up and try it out.
How 'bout you?