THERE IS NOTHING MORE EXCITING than knowing the training is paying off. That is because it's so hard to know, right? Sometimes we doubt. It's not like you can see...
... the construction of more mitochondria.
How do we measure the little engines that can?
Power meters tell us how much power we put out,
and that's cool.
Heart rate monitors tell us how hard our heart is working,
and that's good to know, too.
Good metrics, for sure.
We can gain confidence and swagger tracking that data. Of course, some bad data results can also be...
... a sucker punch.
Which brings me back to knowing,
now that's powerful.
For me, there isn't a metric I trust or bank on. Sure, I'll do some checks on the local hill or get after it on a group ride that is essentially a practice race. Those can give me a good indication.
But, there's something better.
More powerful.
It happens after a serious 8-10 weeks of training...
Building in the base,
logging hours in the saddle,
continuing all the resistance training,
being a freakin' monk at the dinner table.
... then I taper, and go into major recovery mode.
Ideally, if all goes according to plan, 4 days out from the A race, I'll stomp hard on the pedals for 30-90 seconds. A few times, during an endurace pace.
The day before, I'll go out for a shorter ride, and stomp on those pedals for 10-20 seconds.
My legs, will feel nothing but magical.
the doubts vanish,
and I know for sure I'm ready...
... now, that's exciting!
0 Circuit of RaceDay Ready Resistance Training
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling