Sometimes I think Tadej Podacar, the current greatest cyclist in the world, reads this blog. For example, I just listened to the podcast he was on with Peter Attia and there was a shocking revelation...
... Tadej lifts weights all year long!
Just like I've been preachin' for years.
Anyway, lately I've been slacking.
I started doing the strength stuff throughout the day instead of...
... hitting it every morning, first thing.
When I made the shift, it went pretty well for a few weeks.
Work for an hour, take a break and...
... do a rotaion.
But, lately I've noticed my overall effort and commitment has been slipping.
A lot.
That stopped today.
Here is my massive list of rules...
- lift (almost) every day
- keep it simple
- low reps
... anybody can do that.
My main three moves are...
- PullUps
- PushUps
- Squats
... in that order.
I rotate through those 3, and sometimes a few others, then do it again.
Takes 20 minutes, max.
The key is to schedule it,
then do it.
Like Tadej.
164 lbs
8 hrs sleep
Pull Ups, Push Ups, Squats n stuff
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling