I READ THIS ARTICLE IN MOUNTAIN BIKE ACTION ABOUT THE BEST TRAIL EVER.  The author, Doug Bradbury?, argued that the best trail was the one you rode the most because it's the one with most the memories.  He was convincing.

Tonight I took my longlostpal Jeff on nearly all of the Gravel Goon route.  Which I love.  But, I didn't want to oversell it because of the above mentioned argument.

We chatted up on about 30 years of life.  Where the rest of the killers had ridden off to, family updates, and rehashing some truly epic racing and living.

All the while connecting path after trail after dirt road after paved sections through some of the prettiest parts of our urbanrural terrain.  

Crossing streams.

Riding under a tall jungle canopy.

Circumnavigating a lonely pond.

Returning with the endless big blue expanse to our west.

More than once Jeff commented on the spectacular natural surroundings.

Was it the reminiscing?

Or, the Gravel Goon course?

Who cares... when you make friends for life, and ride again, all options are the best ever.

For a few minutes we sat on the bench in front of the shop.  It was a little like one of those dumb I love you man beer commercials.  Kinda funny, I know.  But, it was awesome too.

We grabbed out changing ponchos... and like a commercial for you my dear reader Jeff said I love the things you come up with.

So... if you're looking for something to buy yourself, that none of your longlostpals have, look no further...

Watch the video, it's some of our best work... showing how to change in public, at the races, with your fans waiting for your Sharpie...

Use promo code: RideOfTheBeholder

165.4 lbs 
PushUps and PullUps
7 hours sleep