WITH CRUSHER CANCELLED TODAY, I decided to go in search of heat. Wouldn't be anywhere near the 90°+ temps of UT, or the adrenaline of a start line, but...
... we do what we can.
Gotta be honest,
it was a bit disappointing.
I wanted more heat, only hit...
- 77°
- 91% humidity
I wanted to bring more heat, only produced...
- Ave HR 144
- Ave PWR 182
I wilted over...
- 99 miles
- 5666' vert
... and that ain't what I was hoping for.
Yes, I'm super grateful for the effort considering...
... I could barely walk 7 months ago.
But, that's not us, is it?
We always expect more from our...
- bodies
- minds
- spirits
... it's who we are.
I have 8 weeks until the showdown with my A race.
What am I gonna do?
- searching out the heat
- bringing my heat
- eating clean
... and recovering like a fiend.
This will be a fascinating journey.
163 lbs (pizza at 8pm before wife flew out for a week, time to go monk-like)
6.8 hrs sleep (early flight)
PullUps and PushUps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
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