IF YOU'RE LIKE ME - which you aren't because I'm totally into riding, racing and socializing on bikes in the reverse order I just spouted them off which is really weird - then it's time to put down the biggiantunattainable goal for 2020.
If you're like me - which you aren't because I took fattening up for the winter literally for all 12 of the Christmas Days starting on Thanksgiving never skipping a day until today - then your first goal might be to start carving off the lard by eating less and riding more.
If you're like me - which you aren't because I blew off the training and the stretching and the gym work the moment the kids pulled into town and can't touch my knees let alone my toes - your second goal might be to take a yoga class.
If you're like me - which you aren't because I spent my meager xmas funds on everybody else forgetting to save a couple a bucks for myself - then you might be dreaming of a new bike.
If you're like me... wait... what... you're like me?
You're gonna set some ridiculous goals?
Let's do it.
... 'cause the ruckus is gonna start early on 12/31, and we'll be worthless on 1/1, and probably back grinding on 1/2...
Personally, I'm leaning towards some big gravel event - not sure which one - and a stage race - either Gila or Cascade Classic.
How 'bout you?
Whatever I end up doing, the main focus is always about feeling fast - doing those things that make me feel fast on a bike. The old standards are weighing less, looking sharp, and having a clean rig.
Which is why I always say: Feel Fast, Ride Fast.
And why I think you really ought to try out Smoove chain lube... so much so, that if you buy the t-shirt you can get the lube for 50% off using code FEEL SMOOVE.
Buy a Feel Fast. Ride Fast t-shirt get Smoove for 50% savings use promo code FEELSMOOVE.
0/0 (lazy)
7 hrs sleep
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