AT THE PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT, the gist was to get to know each other better. We each drew a question about ourselves. I drew...
... if you had a super power what would it be and why?
You'd think it would be...
- to climb like a god
- sprint faster than a bullet trail
... something along those lines.
Today being Father's Day, I woulda settled for discipline...
- instead of hogging the delicious pizza we "split" last night
- rising to demolish a fresh apple fritter for breakfast
- snacking on the entire bag my favorite chips and salsa
- prying open the chocolate almonds in the bag
- going tyrannosaurus rex on a steak dinner
... was I desperate to restore my dad bod?
My actual answer to the question was to be a time traveler so I could...
- go back and visit my dad and grand fathers
- go forward and see our sons' families' families
... what could be better?
Oh, well, yeah, also go to the future to finally answer the question...
... what is the truly optimal tire pressure.
164.7 lbs (tomorrow's gonna be worse)
7 hrs sleep
PushUps and PullUps and Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling